Friday, September 21, 2007

You are always on my mind

It was an extraordinarily long day at work today. In a literal sense too cos I knocked off past 10pm. That only made me feel worse than I already do about juggling family and work. Kinda relates to some of the topics that've been weighing my mind down.

How does one measure 'success'?

Someone once said, "Success is measured by significance, not importance. "

What makes me a "successful mummy"?
And what makes me "successful" at work?

I can probably measure the latter. I can read it off my boss's face, my payslip, my namecard, and my bonus!

And I probably measure my success at motherhood in likened terms. I read it off my two bosses' faces (with whom I share life and dreams), my count of Zachary's smiles, a proud name called "mummy", and bonus moments watching Zachary move from one milestone to another.

Always on my mind #1: Zachary
Always on my mind #2: Have I been a good enough mummy?

When is 'good enough' enough? Is there an end? We all know the answer and a living reply would be our own mums.

The tussle between wanting to be a SAHM to nurture and a working-mum to provide. Can these two reconcile? For most times, I think not. Most interested to hear your views on this.

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