Friday, August 31, 2007

Little Drac and others

Zach's in a teething spurt. Four incisors (top and bottom) and two front teeth! He looks like a "mini dracula" with the top ones emerging. Absolutely adorable. Needless to say, he's also more fussy and we have to keep up with cleaning his drool.

12 Korean hostages were released today. I heard it over Reuters while riding the lift up to our new office at One Raffles Quay. I think my joyful exclamation woke up a view sleepy executives. Praise God!

But, on the other hand, my heart's weighed down by my parents' safety in Myanmar. The township authorities raided the school where dad was teaching, and demanded payment for "proper registration" before any more activities can continue. They also took mugshots of them and took their particulars down.

Please pray for their safe return this Saturday.

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